Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Continuing Adventures of Gawain the Inquisitor

[Gawain is a 4th level cleric and inquisitor dedicate to the cult of St Richard the Prior. What follows is an account written by his player (with some edits by me). His associates are Paul (Frogling Barbarian 4), Robert van Hoppen (Frogling Fighter 4), Adran Wildedagger (Karslish Rogue 4), and Flint Lichtbringer (Dwarf Paladin 3).]

It is the 28th of Unodecember. Town pop is still doubled and the noble’s wife gave birth to a stillborn changeling. (Acquired a +1 mace from previous session, the book is a history of Nightwick, the amulet is a Darkshard Amulet only useful to pagan casters, the perfume is a magical mixture called the Perfume of Beguiling) 

Ventured back down into Nightwick, almost immediately encountered a foul mound of larva (they are the lost souls of men doomed to hell) , I proceeded to dispense the holy justice of St Pryor upon them by burning the sins from them. Something demonic looked on from above until Sir Richard fired a volley at them, chasing them off. While I was administering justice, we were surprised by a group of Mongrel Men. I wanted to dispense of them as they are foul creatures and unnatural but I went along with the judgement of the party and allowed them safe passage to leave. 

We went into the door they did not and encountered a room dominated by a jelly like, inky black pool full of deer men. 7 in total, several armed with mancatchers. Defeated the deer men easily enough. Upon investigating the pool, we noticed a luminous green gem at the bottom. Paul jumped into the pool to retrieve but was having some issues. I volunteered to tie a rope to him, but as I leaned over the water I was dragged in by a foul force. It clung to me like a vicious goop, and tried to force its way into my mouth. I gripped my symbol of St Richard the Prior and mentally voiced a prayer of protected. A bright burst of light freed the goop from my face and allowed to get to the surface where I was able to get out with the assistance of Sir Robert. 

 Paul by then had successfully retrieved the gem, and then we discovered it was responsible for the summoning and transformation of the deer men in this horrible place. In the next few rooms, we encountered a freshly killed and mounted human and goblin head, and a bunch of dregs. Easily dispatched. Followed the sound of almost meaty impacts, till we discovered a most foul creature, The Butcher. He was a solid fight but easily dispatched by our skilled party. Received 650 exp apiece, 23 platinum and 988gp.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Record of Gawain the Inquisitor

[Gawain is a 4th level cleric and inquisitor dedicate to the cult of St Richard the Prior. What follows is an account written by his player (with some edits by me). His associates are Paul (Frogling Barbarian 4), Robert van Hoppen (Frogling Fighter 4), Adran Wildedagger (Karslish Rogue 4), and Flint Lichtbringer (Dwarf Paladin 3).]

Assigned to purge Nightwick of its evil once and for all. Traveled with my faithful man servant and squire Robert. Upon my arrival at the squalid village of Nightwick it was fairly crowded with a surplus of mercenaries returning with the Lord of Nightwick from a successful campaign against the Lady of the Woods up north.

 It is currently the 1st of Uno December. Met Flint Litchbringer, Adran Wildedagger at the local inn who were requesting help in exploring the infamous Nightwick Abbey. I may not agree with Adran’s reason for exploring the dangerous ruins but Flint is a fellow worshipper of St Richard the Prior so Robert and I agreed to join them.  A pagan frogling by the name of Paul joined as well. Maybe I could sway him to the side of Law like my faithful campaign Robert.

(Previous loot from Christmas special session was identified: +1 Bow and Shield, Quiver of Silver Arrows, and a Silver Dagger) (Oh and a Horn Of Silent Alarm) [These were gifts given by Knecht Ruprecht for services rendered, ed.]. The Lord’s wife has become pregnant and the pregnancy has developed at an unnatural, it is probably a changeling. Another cleric with The Howling Commandos mercenary company plans to attempt a healing ritual to cleanse the foul spawn. I approached them and The Lord and Lady and offered any assistance I could with the ritual. Journeyed into the Abbey for the first time.

Luckily Flint had a map that he has been compiling for the several months they have been delving this foul place. Almost immediately upon entering we encountered 8 wights, easily defeated. In a room not too far down, we found 65gp at the bottom of a strange pool. A few rooms over we encountered some strange very feminine pillars with rose quarts at certain points. The rogue Adran deftly climbed them and secured them. Acquired 5 of the jewels. An adjoining room was full of women’s head mounted on the walls, and they were strangely fresh. Upon entering the room, they emitted a horrible screeching that summoned an abomination called a magma baby. Apparently, they are created by the psychic disturbances left over after sieges, they are made up of stone, molten rock, and other inorganic material. Defeated it cautiously, but easily. Traveled down a hallway with several doors, one room was full of melted wax, which trapped Flint and I upon the door being opened. A vampire jelly appeared and immediately attacked. Defeated it easily.

Went into the room across the hall after freeing ourselves, and discovered a secret door. The door lead into a back way into a room filled with 7 deer men and a strange altar. It was swathed in purple leading me to believe it to associated with the demon lord Armadeus. After vanquishing the deer men, we discovered a hidden treasure chamber. There were three trapped chests, which the rogue handily disarmed. They contained gold, a huge book, an amulet, and a bottle of perfume. Total of 1007gp in the chest. Earned 510 exp and 388gp apiece.

[More entries to come]