Thursday, August 4, 2011

Nightwick Village Ephemera: Weather & Hunting and Gathering

This is some things I've been playing around with in my current full write up of Nightwick Village.  I've been using a utility made for WFRP (no offense to Mr. Raggi, but the real WFRP) for my campaign's weather, but I wanted something that more fully integrated weather into hexcrawling.  The percentages were completely pulled outta my ass.  If anyone can provide better information for how to figure out the percentages for precipitation I'd love to have it.

The hunting part is based off of the (heavily discouraged) system provided in B2

Weather & Climate

The Dark Country possesses a wet, continental climate.  Temperatures range wildly depending on the season, being extremely cold in the winter and quite warm in the summer.   The large number of rivers and wetlands attest to the high amount of precipitation that occurs in the region. 

Each game week the judge should generate the weather using the information below.  The result dictates the weather patterns for the following week, barring magical upset.
To determine the dominate weather for each week roll 1d6.  On a 1-3 the weather is typical for the season in which the week resides, if the result is a 4 it is typical for the season preceding, 5 the season following, and a 6 represents freak weather.  If the week is early or late in the season the judge may modify this table.  For example, the judge may rule that in the first two weeks of spring a result of 4-5 represents winter weather, while a role of a 6 represents summer weather.  It is recommended that season take up entire months in order to simplify things for the judge.  For example, the entire month of September would be considered part of autumn.

Weather Effects Table



% Precipitation





Temperature: 50 % chance river is frozen over and capable of being crossed without a ford.   Swamps harden and a party on foot can now cross two swamp hexes in a day.

Precipitation: Snow.  Mountains become impassable.  All other terrain penalties increase by one.




Temperature: 5% chance river is frozen over and can be crossed without a ford.

Precipitation: Rain or snow flurries.  Swamps become impassable without a boat.




Temperature: None.

Precipitation: Rain.  Swamps become impassable without a boat.




Temperature: 5% chance river is frozen over and can be crossed without a ford.

Precipitation: Rain or snow flurries.  Swamps become impassable without a boat.

Hunting and Gathering

There may come a time when the party is stranded in the wilderness without food.  If this is the case, the party may wish to send out scouts to forage or hunt.  Most characters will find food for 1d6 persons on a roll of 1 out of 1d6.  The roll to find food is modified by the quality of the hunting grounds in which the character is foraging; however, it can never be brought below a 1 in 6 chance. 

Rangers find food 50% of the time (3 on 1d6), modified positively if the hunting grounds are good.  They find twice as much food as non-Ranger characters.

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