Note that the nigromante uses the default rules for professions rather than the stricter rules for invented professions. This is because it is invented by the GD and not by the player. Those wishing to include it in their games should allow a character of the lower nobility class who has rolled cleric for their occupation to choose this instead or perhaps assign a second die roll to determine which it is (1-7 cleric, 8-10 nigromante).
This profession can be followed only by male characters.
The nigromante is a specialized form of cleric (almost always a canon) who has decided to devote his energies to studying demonology. While many insist that they begin such studies in order to perform exorcisms, they are usually viewed as something like the educated version of a bruja. Toledo is infamously their training ground, due in no small part to its school of Arabic translation. Because of this, the nigromante is something of a combination of the Christian cleric and the Muslim mage. In the 13th century, they were shockingly common throughout Europe, but crackdowns and book burnings have left them much rarer in the time of Aquelarre.
Minimum Characteristics: Culture 20, Perception 15
Primary Skills: Language (Latin), Magical Knowledge, Read/Write, Theology
Secondary Skills: Alchemy, Discovery, Language (Arabic), Astrology, Medicine, Memory, Teach, 1 Arms skill of Noble Category
Monthly Income: 350 maravedies, but may opt to add their % in Magical Knowledge at the risk of suspicion of sorcery.
Monthly Income: 350 maravedies, but may opt to add their % in Magical Knowledge at the risk of suspicion of sorcery.
ReplyDeleteThis the first original input for Aquelarre I see coming from non-spanish players.
One of the supplements published in Spain is Demonolatreia It is 267 pages long and delves deeply into demons, hellish powers and everything. It also provides a new skill, Demonology, and one profession, Demonólogo (with two "variants")
I paste here the official version so you can compare with yours and see how close you got
I'd love to see you on the MeWe group I created time ago to promote the game through the troubled Kickstarter