Monday, June 3, 2019

Tales of the Cutthroat Inn: Love's Labors Fled!

Session Date
2nd Day of Midsummer's Eve 4500 CCC

Characters Present
Annapurna, Altanian Ranger
Red Hawk, Altanian Fighter
Grafari, Skandik Rogue
Green Sonya, Half-Orc Barbarian
Ion Skamos, Tiefling Cleric of Set


  • Red Hawk and Annapurna debuted as tag team pitfighters - The Ruby Two - and one their first bouts against a pair of pirates from the Overlord's dungeons and a set of Karakhan twins.  Unfortunately, they lost their third match to a set of grappling orcs who were bear-wrestling type spiked armor.
  • The party found a note in the papers they had discovered in the Hag's chamber in the Stone Temple.  The letter is reproduced below:
Gracious and beautiful Sister, A fool thou art! Twice have your plans failed and I fear that soon it shall be thrice or fourice! Your attempt to raise Glaukos was ill-considered. Even the idiot second sister could’ve predicted his keepers would be more willful than you expected, if she was not dithering in the mountains looking for the Scorching Vault! I would say that she is ineffective as you, but at least she has yet to find the tools for her plan. You have already bungled two! Howla and Vanis have gone full again and still no mist comes to kill the men of the City State. You are lucky our sisters in the Court do not know of your failings - at least I think they do not. If this Midsummer’s Eve passes without my getting an earful from them I will be most surprised. With love and charity, The First Sister
  • With this letter in mind, Grafari sought out the sage Angordis the Venerable who informed him that even in ancient times (c. 4000 years ago) the Scorching Vaults were already a ruin sought by adventurers. It was some sort of weapon forge - though he insisted forge was not quite the right term - for a civilization long dead. In order to make up for the price of the sage, Grafari planned an executed a series of muggings.
  • Green Sonya spent time trying to teach some rats she can talk to how to sew spider silk into garments.
  • The party then elected to go to the Stone Temple and hopefully clear it so it could serve as a new base.
  • While passing through Silver Street in the early morning, they saw a large group of guards - 3 captains and 12 regulars.
  • The captain, an Alryan fellow, stared at Green Sonya agape and declared "I must have her!"
  • Sonya, taking this as flirting, decided to lead him on a bit in hopes of diffusing the situation, but once it became clear he meant to literally possess her - and keep her in a cage in the city jail(!) - Sonya thought better of it and fled.
  • She ended up cornered by a group of guards in a slim alley off of the Street of Crafts.  Luckily, the rest of the party was able to climb up onto nearby buildings during the chase and meet her there with a rope.
  • Red Hawk used his companion - Big Red the Hawk - to distract the guards while Grafari lowered a rope for their companion from a hidden location.  Green Sonya scrambled up and out of sight of the guards.
  • They were then able to make it to the temple without incident.  Outside they dressed themselves in the robes they had found last time, feeling these were the robes of the priests of Pretressa.
  • Sonya and Red Hawk worked to convince the mephits which guarded the temple that they were the true priests, this time apparently getting the lie(?) to stick.
  • They were then joined by Ion Skamos, who had apparently made it to the temple before them.
  • They explored the underground again making sure any sewer monsters that had come up were exterminated or driven away.
  • The first set they found was a group of gricks which they scared off with fire and yelling, relying on the creature's not having resistance to fire damage in hopes that it would drive them away. It did so.
  • The second was a group of goblins who they tried to make a deal with, but failing to warn them about the gricks that had recently fled into the sewer meant that the party soon heard the sounds of the goblins' untimely demise.
  • Finally, after establishing the general layout of the place, the party bumped into a group of spiders from the Temple of the Spider God.  Luckily Sonya knew where she could get a device that pacified the creatures - since she is an initiate of Nephthlys, and returned shortly with it and pied-piper the spiders back to the temple.
  • With that done, the party spent some time discussing what they would do next - more adventures in the City State? Finally slaying the Son of the Spider God? Investigating the lost pirate fortress of Glaukos the Impious? Figuring out where this Scorching Vault is and what interest it would hold for a coven of hags?  Hopefully we'll find out soon!
Monsters Defeated
Sorta none? A bunch were driven out.

Treasure Gained
Real Estate

Xp Per Player

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